
Letters: Dodgers’ fans just don’t get it

John Hartung, formerly of KABC, is the main studio anchor for SportsNet LA, although a majority of Dodgers fans have yet to see the coverage.
(Jay L. Clendenin / Los Angeles Times)
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L.A. has great sports fans. Uniquely loyal, yet never to be had. If Time Warner Cable thinks the notion “I need my” even remotely resonates, they’re advised to go back and review “I need my Rams &”

Anthony J. Moretti



I realize that this full-page ad for Dodgers baseball on SportsNet L.A. is big money, but, I, for one, don’t want my cable bill to go up, even one more dollar, in order to pay over-salaried players. To my TV provider, I’m willing to “miss this” and attend a few games in the season at Chavez Ravine instead.


Chet Chebegia

Long Beach


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

If the Dodgers continue to play games and no one is able to see them, how many fans like me will give up on the team?


Richard Dennison



With the Angels opening 0-3, maybe it should have been the Halos who made the deal with TWC that blacks out 70% of the area homes?

Fred Wallin

Westlake Village


In Wednesday’s story, a patron at the Short Stop bar wondered “Why the fans don’t come first?” when it came to televising Dodgers games.

Well, as a certain former Clippers player once opined, when it was suggested he wasn’t giving his all and owed it to the fans to perform better:


“I don’t give a ... about the fans.”

Bill Bell

Mar Vista


I wonder if Vin Scully is going to cancel his DirecTV and sign up for Time Warner Cable so he can watch the Dodgers games he is not calling?

Vaughn Hardenberg



Now starts the blackout for 70% of the greater L.A. area. Just what we deserve after leading the world in attendance for 56 consecutive years. It’s an outright betrayal. I absolutely blame the Dodgers for allowing this to happen to us.

Michel Kassett

Los Angeles


The L.A. Times story Friday read “Dodgers hope for smooth opening” and it didn’t take Yasiel Puig and Matt Kemp half the morning of opening day to spoil those plans! The immature, petulant, late-arriving Puig and the self-centered unproductive Kemp — whose constant selfish mantra has been “I didn’t come here to sit” — may ruin an entire Dodgers season, not just a joyous opening spring day filled with dreams of October and championship parades.


Allan Kandel

Los Angeles


For those of us who still feel that Don Mattingly is a poor in-game manager, I’d like to submit March 30 against San Diego as yet another example.

Hyun-Jin Ryu had just completed a devastatingly commanding seven innings, using only 88 pitches to that point. He had the Padres by the neck — so much so that I’m sure that an audible sigh could have been heard near their dugout when he was yanked. OK, I guess he’s scared of Brian Wilson’s agent if he doesn’t use him, so only one demerit for this move.

Eric Monson



Not only was the illustration by Robert Carter on the cover of your baseball preview visually striking, it also showed a little-known rule change for this year. Clayton Kershaw is so good that there will be a handicapping system for him. He will now start his windup on the back of the mound so that his front foot will land on the rubber. Maybe that’s why he hurt his back?

Ken Kinsley

Sherman Oaks


The Dodgers’ pitching coach should have known that in order to avoid the risk of injury while pitching Down Under, that Kershaw should have thrown with his right arm.

Kevin H. Park


Panic in Anaheim

Message to Josh Hamilton: Seattle didn’t seem to need any “settling in” to hand you your lunch the last three days.


Thomas Sexton

Huntington Beach


Help, I’m trapped in an Angels time warp! The start of the 2014 season is looking awfully like the starts to the 2012 and 2013 seasons.

Ken Blake



The Angels manager is already getting killed on Scioscial media.

George Sands


Purple strain

We have seen what Pau Gasol has done while with the Lakers: two NBA championships, three All-Star appearances and a gentleman on and off the court.

We have seen what Mike D’Antoni has done while with the Lakers: implement a system with the wrong players that has never worked anyway, publicly lambaste players and smugly dismiss fans (“find another team to root for”).

One deserves to end his career as a Laker. The other should take his Laker-paid Lotto winnings and his ill-fated offense and find a spot at a nice small college.

Dave Moore

Santa Ana


Laker fan No. 1: The other team scored only 89 points. We get free tacos!

Laker fan No. 2: Wait a second. It’s only halftime.

Ben Browdy

Los Angeles


As we near the end of a Lakers season marked by D League players, questionable management decisions and poor coaching, with a dismal future on the horizon, I have one question for Clipper fans: “How did you put up with this kind of garbage for so long?”


Steve Rosenblatt

West Hills


Wilt the Stilt, Mr. Clutch, The Captain, The Big Smooth, Hot Rod, The Big Diesel, Big Shot Rob, Big Game James, Coop, Magic, Black Mamba.

Swaggy P?

Sterling Buckingham

Canyon Country

It’s Madness!

If UCLA did have that many NBA prospects, the Bruins would still be playing.

Reiner Kolodinski

Los Angeles


I am greatly enjoying the National Tournament of Commercials currently airing on TV, but it a shame the producers seem to feel that they have to interrupt it from time to time with intervals of people playing basketball.

Theodore Henderson

Los Angeles


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