
New York Giants’ A.J. Francis accuses TSA of spilling his mother’s cremated remains in his luggage

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New York Giants defensive lineman A.J. Francis went on an expletive-filled Twitter tirade Monday, accusing the Transportation Security Administration of causing the cremated remains of his recently deceased mother to spill out of their container and onto the other contents of his luggage.

“Hey you pieces of […] at @TSA next time you […] feel the need to go thru my mother’s ashes for no reason, make sure you close it back so her remains aren’t spilled on all my clothes... the least you pieces of garbage can do is your [...] job,” Francis tweeted.

The tweet also included a photo that appears to depict what Francis describes, along with a notice of baggage inspection from the TSA.

Francis added in a second tweet, which also contains more than one expletive: “The craziest part of this @TSA […] is that I dont even care that they checked it... they were just being cautious, & I can understand that.But to not ensure that it won’t spill back into my bag after you put it back in is the most asinine & irresponsible [...] I have ever seen.”

A few hours after Francis’ initial tweet, the TSA also took to social media to apologize to Francis, who was signed by the Giants this offseason after being released by the Washington Redskins.

“Out of respect for the deceased, under no circumstances should the container be opened,” the agency tweeted. “Please accept our apologies and our condolences.”

For Francis, the TSA’s response was too little, too late. He employed one more expletive in tweeting back, “Under all circumstances […] yourself.”

A TSA spokeswoman told the Washington Post that the agency has not received any more information about the situation from Francis.

According to Francis’ Instagram account, his mother, Carrie Leanne Francis, died on June 26 at age 46.

“I’m just trynna make my momma #PROUD I aint trynna let my momma down,” Francis wrote after her death. “#RIP Mom I love you with all my heart, and I will see you again.”

Twitter: @chewkiii
