
Reactions to sanctions against Penn State

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“These events should serve as a call to every single school and athletics department to take an honest look at its campus environment and eradicate the “sports are king” mind-set that can so dramatically cloud the judgment of educators.’

Mark Emmert, NCAA president

‘Not only does the NCAA have the authority to act in this case, we also have the responsibility to say that such egregious behavior is not only against our bylaws and constitution, but also against our value system and basic human decency.’

Ed Ray, NCAA executive committee chairman and president of Oregon State

‘We are deeply disap- pointed that some of our leaders could have turned a blind eye to such abuse, and agree that the culture at Penn State must change.’

David Joyner, Penn State’s acting athletic director

‘The sanctions announced by the NCAA today defame the legacy and contributions of a great coach and educator without any input from our family or those who knew him best. … Punishing past, present and future students of the University because of Sandusky’s crimes does not serve justice. This is not a fair or thoughtful action; it is a panicked response to the public’s understandable revulsion at what Sandusky did.’

Paterno family statement

‘You knew it was coming, but it was hard to hear.’

Matt Bray, Penn State freshman

‘I knew when I accepted the position that there would be tough times ahead. But I am committed for the long term to Penn State and our student-athletes.’

Bill O’Brien, Penn State football coach

‘We must create a culture in which people are not afraid to speak up, management is not compartmentalized, all are expected to demonstrate the highest ethical standards, and the operating philosophy is open, collegial and collaborative.’

Rodney Erickson, Penn State president

‘I do have a strong sense that many of the ingredients of success are still at Penn State and will be there in future years.’

Jim Delany, Big Ten Conference commissioner

‘So sad you do 1,000 things right and you make one bad decision sometimes in a matter of seconds and lifetime of good is eviscerated.’

Lewis Katz, former owner of the New Jersey Nets and a major donor to Penn State
