
Coach Darryl Sutter says Kings should keep one thing in mind

Darryl Sutter stands along the Kings bench (with a little Devil behind him) during Game 5 in New Jersey.
(Jim McIsaac / Getty Images)
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Los Angeles Kings Coach Darryl Sutter met with reporters Monday to discuss the upcoming Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Final. The Kings lead the series, 3-2, but the Devils have won the last two games. Below are highlights from the transcript (provided by the NHL) of the news conference.

Q. For three games now your team has shown up with a chance to win the Stanley Cup. Does the process change, the mental process, as you continue to repeat that process?

SUTTER: I think the mindset has to be, or is, the same thing as when a series starts: to try to win the game, not getting further than that. Then it becomes a distraction or outside distraction. I think that’s the key. That’s something we’ve been able to do really well.

Q. Talking to the players, there seems to be a great tranquillity within the Game 6 tumult. What did you tell the fellows to get them so calm?


SUTTER: I really haven’t talked to them much, other than we did some video and had dinner together last night, hockey video.

Q. Your goalie’s level-headedness, can you speak to that as a strength.

SUTTER: We need him to be a great strength for us. If you look at the series, we’re up against a great goaltender [Martin Brodeur]. We need that out of Jonathan. So both guys are still playing because they can manage that. Obviously Marty has more experience with it. But that’s what Jonathan’s trying to do also.

Q. You said you had a team dinner last night. Is that a regular thing? Can you let us in a little bit on what you’re trying to do when you have all the guys together.


SUTTER: We do it as much as they want, quite honestly, when we’re on the road. At home during the playoffs, we’ve done that. Most teams are pretty diverse in terms of their ages and lifestyle, what they like to do. That’s what our players like to do.

Q. Is [Simon] Gagne still in tonight?

SUTTER: You get here at 7:22, then when they make that starting lineup announcement, there’s a large roar and he’s in, then you know he’s in. [Sutter smiling.]

Q. Do you treat this at all like a road game to maybe get rid of some of the distractions or outside stuff?


SUTTER: No, no. I think what we’ve said right from the very start of the playoffs, because this team has not been in this, in a playoff environment, for more than two or three games, most of these guys, right, the whole playoffs, that I wanted them to have the experience of being in this building and being close to this building. That’s what’s more important for the big picture for these players. It’s not anything other than that.

Q. Do you notice anything different when you look into the players’ eyes from Game 4 to Game 6?

SUTTER: I don’t even look that far back. You know what, we played really well in Game 5. Game 4 is a long time ago. We had the two days between. We played really well in Game 5. If we can continue to manifest that, we’re in good position.

Q. Would you coach any differently if the series was even 3-3 as opposed to 3-2?

SUTTER: I don’t think so. I think both teams have put veterans in to try and get through the rough water a little bit. Zajac’s line plays a lot. Kopitar’s line plays a lot. I don’t think anything different. Both teams’ special teams, you look at it, it’s almost a saw-off. There’s only subtle things that only you see in the locker room, little changes, where you move guys two or three feet, or on faceoffs or something like that. But, no, I don’t think so.

See you tonight.


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