
UCLA’s Jim Mora and Pac-12 refs: Two sides of the same coin?

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Conference call, the sequel. Or the ongoing saga of the coin toss. …

On Saturday, UCLA won the toss and believed it had deferred to the second half. Referees interpreted that as UCLA choosing to kick off, and Arizona State got the ball to start the game and to start the second half.

On Monday, the Pac-12 said that a conference official met with Athletic Director Dan Guerrero at halftime and explained that the referees had acted properly. The official brought the same message to Mora postgame, according to a conference official.

On Tuesday, Mora said a conference official called, “Sunday morning at 8 a.m., apologizing for the confusion of the coin toss. It was nice to hear them accept responsibility for it.”


Asked whether the conference admitted that its referees were wrong, he replied, “That’s what they told me.”

Whom to believe?

Toss a coin.


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