
Ian Poulter calls for Tasers on certain PGA Championship fans

Ian Poulter signals after his tee shot on the 10th hole during the third round of the PGA Championship on Saturday.
(Rob Carr / Getty Images)

Ian Poulter found certain fans at the PGA Championship pretty annoying.

You know, the ones who were yelling things like “Chewbacca!” and “Baba Booey!” as well as various varieties of potatoes (mashed and scalloped seemed to be the preferences) after golfers finished their swings from the tee?

Sure, a lot of us think those guys are incredibly annoying. But probably not as much as Poulter does.

He tweeted (warning: explicit language) that such shenanigans would not be tolerated at events such as the Masters, the British Open and Wimbledon, and that the offenders should be taken care of with Tasers.


That’s right. Electroshock apparently is in order for yelling out the names of Han Solo’s wookie companion, Howard Stern’s producer or one’s favorite side dish even though it does nothing to affect the outcome of the shot.

OK, so he was probably kidding about how such outbursts should be handled. But Poulter clearly wants something to be done about the situation.

I’m calling for @PGATOUR to step in & stop this shouting out right after shots. Message in to @PGATOUR with your thoughts. Tazer them? — Ian Poulter (@IanJamesPoulter) August 12, 2013


Folks what you think @PGATOUR should do with all this screaming stupid things right after impact. Write you comments into @PGATOUR — Ian Poulter (@IanJamesPoulter) August 12, 2013

Incidentally, Poulter finished tied for 61st at eight over par. Maybe he would have suggested something a little less extreme for the loudmouths — perhaps a light flick on the forehead or a tickle in the beer gut -- had his weekend gone a bit differently.


Photos: 2013 PGA Championship


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