
Morning Briefing: Netflix’s ‘Last Chance U’ will have a definite plot twist

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Independence Community College football coach Jason Brown announced his resignation Sunday after a local newspaper reported he sent a German player a text message that stated, “I am your new Hitler.”

Brown and his team from Independence, Kansas, were highlighted on Season 3 of Netflix’s “Last Chance U” and had already been filmed for the upcoming fourth season as well. Brown’s brash approach to coaching was prominently featured on the series.

Still, the text message he is accused of sending to freshman Alexandros Alexiou may have crossed the line.


In it, Brown allegedly refers to Alexiou, “u German ...” using an expletive, and gives him a hard time about not hanging a poster as instructed. “I’m your new Hitler,” Brown allegedly wrote, “figure out your life.”

Shortly after, Brown allegedly texted Alexiou to tell him he had been cut from the team and that his scholarship had been removed. Alexiou, who later posted screenshots of the alleged texts on social media, told the Montgomery County Chronicle that he has since learned his scholarship remains in place.

ICC President Dan Barwick said Thursday in a statement to KOAM-Fox 14: “Independence Community College does not condone the language Coach Brown used in his message. I have spoken with Coach Brown about his message to the student, and he fully understands that his language was not appropriate. The college is investigating the matter and will have no further statement at this time.”


Brown tweeted his resignation three days later, with no mention of the allegations against him.

“Given what has most recently been allowed to transpire, it is clear, that it will be nearly impossible to stay here,” Brown wrote. “More plainly, the Montgomery County Chronicle has greatly diminished my ability to successfully do my job, and has set this football program back significantly, and the cumulative effect of all these detrimental factors I believe clearly constitute a constructive discharge of my employment.”

Do pictures cost extra?


The Orchids of Asia Day Spa may be closed for business, but people were reportedly flocking there anyway this past weekend after New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft was charged Friday with two counts of soliciting sex from a prostitute at the Jupiter, Fla., spa.

Deadspin said traffic was backed up at the strip mall where the massage parlor is located that afternoon, with cars slowing or stopping to take photos or videos. The New York Post said dozens of people were lined up Sunday afternoon to take selfies in front of the now-shuttered business.

“I can’t believe how many morons like me are here taking a picture,” a Jupiter resident told the Post on Sunday. “Now this place is a historical site, it’s a tourist attraction — everyone wants a picture.”

More than two dozen men have been arrested as part of a crackdown on human trafficking and prostitution at nearly a dozen spas in the region. A warrant for Kraft’s arrest is expected as early as Monday. The charges against him are misdemeanors.

Naturally, many of the folks on hand at the Orchids of Asia facility were not Patriots fans and were there to bask in anything that can be seen as a blemish on a team that won the most recent of its six Super Bowls earlier this month — although Deadspin also reported that a Patriots fan was circling the parking lot in his pickup truck, blasting the team’s unofficial theme song, “Bad Boy for Life.”
