
Watch Bryan Cranston enact the MLB postseason in a (fake) one-man show

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Fresh off an Emmy for his role in “Breaking Bad,” Bryan Cranston has chosen his next acting challenge, and it’s a big one.

A one-man dramatic performance of the entire Major League Baseball postseason.

Told you it was a big role. Probably should mention that it’s also a fake one ... and pretty darn hilarious.

In a nearly six-minute video promoting postseason baseball on TBS, Cranston discusses bringing his “greatest acting challenge” to the stage, complete with ridiculously serious clips from the resulting show.


Cranston explains he was inspired by the old cartoons showing Bugs Bunny playing every position on the diamond. “Any actor who tells you that he’s not inspired by Bugs Bunny is a liar, frankly. Or just a hack.”

The mockumentary goes on to show such problems with the production as an audience member getting hit by a pitch, a distracting ballpark-style vendor and an organist who just isn’t hip enough.

The whole thing culminates in an over-the-top recitation of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” by Cranston.


It’s definitely worth six minutes out of your day.

Twitter: @chewkiii
