
Watch LeBron James literally give fans in Taiwan clothes off his back

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LeBron James is one generous guy.

Earlier this month the NBA superstar gave Cleveland the best gift he could possibly offer: himself.

And now, on a Nike-sponsored tour of eastern Asia, James is giving adoring fans the clothes off his back -- quite literally.

The four-time league MVP was down to wearing just compression shorts and socks after giving away every other stitch of clothing he was wearing to adoring fans at a basketball camp in Taiwan on Friday.


First, James gave away the basketball he used at the event, followed by some other balls he had signed. Then he decided that just wasn’t enough.

In an apparently spontaneous move, King James took off his T-shirt, autographed it and handed it to a female fan holding a small child.

Then he took to the stage and tossed his baseball cap into the crowd of about 2,000. He did the same with both shoes and his shorts, all of which he autographed before throwing them out to the masses.


And then he was gone ... probably off to find a barrel to preserve his modesty.

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