
Watch Sandy Hook choir, Jennifer Hudson start Super Bowl off right

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That’s how you start a Super Bowl.

Twenty-six students from Sandy Hook Elementary School got the Super Bowl off to an emotional start as they joined Jennifer Hudson in singing “America the Beautiful” before the game on Sunday.

The students, members of the school that was the scene of a mass shooting in December, gave a great performance, which you can watch above.

“We have come to New Orleans to represent the Sandy Hook Family and the community of Newtown, Connecticut,” the students said in a statement. “Our wish is to demonstrate to America and the world that, ‘We are Sandy Hook and We Choose Love.’”



The students sang the first verse by themselves, then were joined by Hudson for the rest of the song. Even the players and coaches on the sidelines seemed touched by the performance.

After that, it was all just a game. The real MVPs were on the pregame show.


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