
Letters: Lane Kiffin can’t win for winning

Not everyone is a fan of USC Coach Lane Kiffin.
(Eugene Tanner / Associated Press)
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It’s hard to enjoy your favorite sports team when sportswriters take the joy out of it. For instance, take Bill Plaschke ... please. To diss Lane Kiffin and the Trojans in their first game of the season, a victory by the way, is just wrong, unless you’re a Bruin.

Richard Karliss

West Hollywood


With a 23-5 lead and less than a minute to go, a coach with class would take a knee. Lane Kiffin went for another touchdown.

However, karma won out as Hawaii responded with its own score.

Pat Haden, you have an embarrassment on your hands

Fred Wallin

Westlake Village


The idea that Lane Kiffin did not decide weeks ago on who would be his starting quarterback is pure nonsense. Kiffin is scared to death that the guy he didn’t name would transfer. The reality is that everyone knows that Max Browne is the heir apparent, and next year he will either start or will be the primary backup, leaving the backup guy this year as the third-stringer, and of course he will then transfer.


This charade once again tells us that Kiffin too will be gone next year.

Ralph S. Brax



Unapologetic Lane Kiffin sounds like Alfred E. Neuman: What, me worry? His is a coaching tenure marred by questionable decisions, and none more so than declining to name his starting QB by season’s eve.

With the smug admission that he knew but stubbornly refused to reveal his “secret plan” — thereby doing a tremendous disservice to two principal players involved, their teammates, the media and fans — Kiffin likened it to spoiling a movie that hasn’t been seen.

Quick, someone tell Pat Haden he’s got a bomb on his hands and even by Hollywood standards this disaster flick never should have been green-lighted.


Steve Ross

New York

Johnny Half-Game

The NCAA sure threw the book at Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Autograph — a comic book, that is. Multiple sources from multiple memorabilia dealers about alleged cash payouts on over 4,100 signed items, and all they “negotiate” as a penalty for Manzel is 30 minutes of football.

I guess we know where all those Delta House flunkies at Faber College landed jobs: the NCAA legal team.


Larry Yells

Hermosa Beach


Got a chance to see the napkin Johnny Manziel signed and discovered exactly why the NCAA decided to hand down nothing more than a half-game suspension.

It was signed, “Johnny.”

Dan Jensen

San Clemente


Let me get this straight:

The NCAA and Texas A&M make a deal for Johnny Manziel to sit out 30 minutes in the first game (against juggernaut Rice); Oregon loses a few scholarships for paying off a “scouting service” to pipeline stars from Texas to Eugene; and USC gets two years of bowl ineligibility; and four years of lost scholarships for the parents of a player allegedly being paid by an agent.

What a joke!

Mark S. Roth

Los Angeles


Based on the “punishment” Johnny Football received, the NCAA should just rename itself the SECAA to put all pretense of fairness aside. Then USC could start a competing association of non-SEC teams to get a fair deal.

Ken Blake


Blue Heaven

Not since reading Jim Murray in The Times have I so much enjoyed the sweet nostalgia, remembering the ghosts of baseball past. Bill Plaschke’s work recalling the 1988 season is monumental. Thank you, Bill.

Now, don’t forget 1959. Also quite unlikely, from seventh place to World Series champs.

I’ve often yearned for an updated Boys of Summer, to learn where my Los Angeles Dodgers heroes and momentary flashes have gone.


Maury Wills, Charlie Neal, Wally Moon, Larry Burright. Don Demeter. Norm Larker. Doug Camilli and Norm Sherry (Koufax’s favorite catcher!) The list goes on and on. Like the game itself. Shining for a moment in the bright sunlight of the diamond, and then gone forever.

Daniel John Richards

Long Beach


Some flights of fantasy from growing up listening to The Voice:

What did Vin Scully say after seeing “King Lear” for the first time? “Ho, what a play!”

And the fact that Ronald Reagan did some sportscasting lends some plausibility to the idea of a President Scully. Herewith, the opening of his inaugural address: “Well, thank you, Mr. Chief Justice, and hi, my fellow Americans, and a very pleasant next four years to you, wherever you may be...”

Glad you’re coming back, Vin!

Richard Knee

San Francisco

Puig doesn’t fly

It’s about time Don Mattingly benched Yasiel Puig. I am so over this kid. I am sick and tired of people trying to justify his actions by saying he is still learning the game. The errors he is committing are worse that what Little Leaguers commit. From Day One you are taught to hit the cutoff man, slide into bases and swing at pitches in the strike zone. There are absolutely zero reasons why a big league player has worse fundamentals than a 6-year-old. The problem with Puig isn’t his physical talent, its what’s between his ears. Apparently he has a 6-year-old brain because that is the only explanation for the way he acts and plays.

Geno Apicella



Kudos to Don Mattingly for taking the old-school approach to the impetuous antics of youngster Yasiel Puig. It is hard to recall a more wonderful and head-turning player who caused so many of us to also shake our heads and wonder.

Bud Chapman



Too bad Bob Gibson and Don Drysdale aren’t still pitching. Yasiel Puig would learn a lasting lesson in humility faster than you could say Manny Ramirez.


Jack Kenna


Get me rewrite

Good to hear that Mike Scioscia and Jerry Dipoto are on the same page.

It’s the page they’re on that troubles me.

Ron Reeve



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