
Big Sky Moose Drool

Big Sky, the leading brewery of Missoula, Mont., often apologizes for calling its brown ale Moose Drool. But the name clearly does it no harm -- it’s by far the bestselling Montana beer.

And with good reason. Moose Drool is immediately likable -- a big, creamy mouthful loaded with malt flavor, sweetish with just a bit of hop edge. In fact, it’s such an attractive beer that your average rugged mountain man is probably relieved that it has a name showing some beer-dude humor rather than something pretty-sounding.

-- Charles Perry Style: A big, malty brown ale; drink it as dessert after a heavily hopped IPA.

Price: $7.99 a 6-pack.

Where you find it: Beverage Warehouse, Los Angeles, (310) 306-2822; Beverages & More, for locations see; some supermarkets.
