
21 surprising things that will get you kicked out of a hotel

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What kind of behavior is over the line? Technically, there are all sorts of colorful ways you can get yourself booted from a hotel, since the staff are within their legal rights to evict guests for any reason they deem fit — even reasons not explicitly banned. Hotels have a duty to protect the peace and safety of all their guests and their staff, and if your behavior is disruptive, destructive, illegal or unsafe, you may find yourself without a place to stay for the night. Plus, you’ll lose your money and be charged for any damages. After all, the unruly guest is the one who breached their contract with the hotel. While most travelers know that things like noise complaints or starting a fight in the hotel bar will send you packing, here are some more surprising ways you can get yourself kicked out of a hotel. (This story originally appeared on The Active Times.)
