
Where Times readers are traveling in 2015

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From what you’ve told us, you’re going places in 2015, from domestic destinations such as Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota to international locales like the European Arctic.

Some are traveling to explore their family roots, including Roderick Martinez, who will visit the Wattisham Airfield Station Museum in England, which served as a United States Air Force base during WWII. His father was attached to the 434th Fighter Squadron. Some are celebrating anniversaries, like Bill and Lecy Fredo, who are going on an 11-day cruise on the Seine in France to mark 50 years of marriage.

If you don’t have travel plans for 2015, you’ve got time to plan. Here are 2015 travel itineraries from Los Angeles Times readers to inspire you.


Key West, Fla.

Emily Merkey, Santa Barbara

Each year, Emily Merkey and her family travel to Key West to visit relatives. “The trip there and back is always disastrous, but our time with family in the Keys is indescribable,” she said. She has fond memories of boat trips with Uncle Brad to Marvin Key, picnics at Bahia Honda State Park and kayaking under the Overseas Highway.

Italy: Milan, Cinqueterre and Rome


Anne DeVenzio, Encino

DeVenzio is traveling to Italy to explore her roots. “I want to experience live opera, jazz and rock, and feel what it’s like to be a local!” she said.

Costa Rica

Kristi March, Huntington Beach

Her family “wanted to go somewhere new, adventurous and educational for our children, and Costa Rica definitely meets all those requirements,” March said.



Linda and Ruben Perez, Mission Viejo

Linda and Ruben Perez will make a long-awaited visit to Oslo to see Frogner Park and its “granite sculptures in various expressions of human emotion.”

Merida, Mexico

Ken and Rita Lossett, Duarte

Ken and Rita will be visiting school friends and exploring the town’s provincial history and food.

European Arctic

Sandi Kinton, Newport Beach

Kinton is going on her second trip to the European Arctic with Lindblad-National Geographic expedition. “This is a return trip for us because we enjoyed it so much the last time,” she said. “It is one of the most beautiful spots on Earth.”



Deedee White, La Jolla

White plans to visit Viangchan and Luang Prabang to see the towns’ French colonial influence. Then Chiang Mai, Thailand for elephant riding. Her other trips: Namibia to see the desert landscape, Iran to see its UNESCO World Heritage Sites and Iceland to bathe in thermal bathes and see the Northern Lights.

Aegean Islands

Bob and Lynn Myers, Lake Arrowhead

The Myers will travel to the islands between Greece and Turkey to look for signs of the Minoan civilization as well as the Ancient Greeks.

Morelia, Mexico

Jose Carlos

Jose Carlos and his family are traveling to Morelia in Michoacan to visit relatives and take in the city’s colonial sights. The city has magnificently preserved structures, including an aqueduct that runs through much of the city, Carlos said.


Central AsiaJoe Holliday

Holliday, his partner, Jay, and friends are going on a tour of Central Asia with GeoTours. They’ll be visiting Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan.

New Zealand

Russell Kerr, Laguna Niguel

Kerr spent three months in New Zealand in 2013, but he’s returning to the islands in 2015. “This time I plan to hike the Rakiura Track on Stewart Island, drive the east coast of the South Island and spend a few days in the beautiful Bay of Islands before returning to the gorgeous ‘City of Sails,’ Auckland, for a couple of weeks,” he said.

Small towns of Italy

Nora Travis, La Palma

Retired, Travis has been trying to see a bit of the world every year. In 2015, she’s traveling to Italy to experience life in its small towns, including Sicily and Tarquinia. Later in the year, she’s hoping to go on a transatlantic cruise, if her husband is willing to skip a few USC football games scheduled at the same time.

River cruise, northern France


Bill and Lecy Fredo

Bill and Lecy Fredo celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in 2015. To mark the occasion, they’re going on an 11-day cruise on the Seine River, with stops including Lyons-la-Forêt, Rouen and Paris.

Rwanda and Tanzania

Michael and Joan Allan, La Cañada

For their 50th anniversary, Michael and Joan Allan are traveling to Rwanda to see the gorillas and then to Tanzania to witness the annual wildebeest migration.

Mediterranean Europe

Fred and Irma Alexander, Santa Monica

Newlyweds Fred and Irma Alexander are embarking on a “Mediterranean odyssey” itinerary to Italy, Croatia, Greece, France and Spain.



Xandra Laskowski

Xandra Laskowski and her husband are taking their two teen girls to Bali in June. They plan on staying at Scuba Seraya and Ubud.

U.S. national parks and monuments

Marsha and Matthew Philippe, Fred and Donna Pannebaker, Crestline

The Philippes and the Pannebakers are visiting national parks and monuments on a four-to-five-week RV trip. Destinations include Great Basin, Craters of the Moon, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, Wind Cave, Badlands, Mt. Rushmore, Rocky Mountains, Mesa Verde, Canyons of the Ancients and the Grand Canyon. Opting out of the guided tour bus experience, they are looking forward to relaxing at their own pace in their own buses and beds.

Wattisham Airfield Station Museum, England

Roderick Martinez, La Puente

Roderick Martinez plans to visit the Wattisham Airfield Station Museum in England, which served as a United States Air Force base during WWII. Martinez, whose father was attached to the 434th Fighter Squadron, has been in contact with the museum’s curator for the last two years and has donated family items to be included in the museum.

Asia cruise


Nghia and Lan Cao, Porter Ranch

Nghia and Lan Cao are planning a two-week cruise of Asia. Starting in Singapore, they will also visit Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand and Burma.

New York City

Beth Drumlake, Los Angeles

Beth Drumlake is taking her husband to New York City for the first time. For his 60th birthday, they hope to visit as many tourist sites as they can, as well as famous restaurants. “We hope to catch a baseball game -- and visit the ‘Today’ show set!”

Bora-Bora, French Polynesia

Lydia Viramontes, West Los Angeles

For their 25th wedding anniversary, Lydia and Jose Viramontes are traveling to Bora-Bora, a place to relax and enjoy a romantic getaway.

Delhi, India


Jan Percival, San Diego

Along with other Rotarians from California, Jan Percival will travel to Delhi to assist with a polio National Immunization Day.

Puerto Vallarta, Mexico

Jacqueline Borja, San Gabriel

Jaqueline Borja says Puerto Vallarta, a three-hour flight from Los Angeles, is her new Hawaii. She plans to stay at a boutique hotel in the Romantica Zone near the arts and dining scene in the old downtown area. “Maybe on this trip I will try and make it out to Sayulita, which is a quaint fishing village 25 miles north of Puerto Vallarta.”

Northern Peru

Peter Gibson, Cypress

Peter Gibson and his wife want to go to northern Peru to see the glaciers before they melt.



Teri and Greg Morrow, Ridgecrest

The Morrows are planning two trips to Malta in 2015, one in the spring and one in the fall to experience the country during different seasons. They may move to the southern European island in a few years when their youngest grandchild graduates from high school.

Southern Caribbean

Arlene and Vlad Fajnor, Woodland Hills

Arlene and Vlad Fajnor are taking a cruise to the Southern Caribbean to celebrate their granddaughter’s graduation from Kansas State University and the couple’s 62nd wedding anniversary.


Paul Alwine, Irvine

Paul Alwine will go on a river cruise in Myanmar to experience the land and its people and culture. He is also taking a cruise from Copenhagen up the coast of Norway to see the fjords and the White Sea. “We have cruised the Red Sea and the Black Sea, but never the White Sea!”

New Zealand


Dorothy Hesse, Pasadena

Dorothy Hesse, 95, plans to visit her daughter, grandchildren and great grandchildren in New Zealand. Unescorted, she adds.


Pamela Spears, Newport Beach

Pamela Spears has planned a personalized “Cape to Cairo” trip through Africa, which will take her from Cape Town to Mauritius, Seychelles, a Tanzanian safari and on to Rwanda for gorilla trekking. She’ll cover all the classic tourist spots in Egypt before finishing her adventure in Carthage, Tunisia.


Debbie Collings, Laguna Beach

Debbie Collings, her husband and two friends will visit Amsterdam to discover the history of the canal system and a few other sites. Then they’ll be on to England to learn about what made the Industrial Revolution an economic success.



Kathleen Doherty, Santa Barbara

“We love the west coast and usually stay on the coast because Ireland has some of the most gorgeous beaches and coastline,” Doherty said. “It doesn’t get dark until 11 p.m. so you have a long day to enjoy the sites.”

Costa Rica

Jim and Susan Staunton, Huntington Beach

The Stauntons will visit Costa Rica’s west coast to see the volcanoes, rainforests and to photograph birds and howler monkeys. They will also go on safari in Africa, south of Lake Victoria, to see and photograph endangered animals while they are still here.


Jennie Dillon, Rancho Santa Margarita, and Xavier Kohan, Newport Beach

Seasoned international travelers Jennie Dillon and Xavier Kohan will spend two weeks in Paris living as Parisians in a private apartment in the 8th Arrondissement.

Orlando, Fla.


Daskam family, Long Beach

Fans of Harry Potter, the Daskam family plans to visit Universal Studios Florida to see the Wizarding World of Harry Potter.

Waikiki, Hawaii

Carol and Felix Bonomo, Lake San Marcos

Carol and Felix Bonomo will take a desperately needed escape to Waikiki for their annual trek to find the best ukulele players (Carol plays the ukulele).


Ann Forkey, Irvine

Forkey will celebrate her 60th birthday with a trip to Italy, with stop including Milan, Venice, Ravenna and Cinqueterre. “Definitely, my 60th will be a celebration of a lifetime!” she said.
