
Fare deal: $704 round trip from LAX to Taipei, Taiwan, on Eva Air

A view of Taipei, Taiwan, from the Taipei 101 building. Eva Air is offering a $704 round-trip fare from LAX to the capital.
(Christopher Reynolds / Los Angeles Times)
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Taipei, the capital of Taiwan, is like many a modern-day city: Its history and its state of being are complex.

Immigrants from mainland China founded Taipei in the 1700s and, ultimately, the island become a province of China. It came under control of the Japanese in 1895. After World War II, it fell back under China, where the spread of communism sent Nationalist Chinese fleeing to Taiwan.

Is it an independent entity or part of mainland China? The dispute about this continues as do the questions about how its people identify. “Public opinion polls conducted since 1992 by National Chengchi University show a steady increase, from 17.6% to 54.5%, of Taiwanese people who identify as only Taiwanese,” Alice Su wrote in a February Los Angeles Times article. “Those who say they are ‘both Taiwanese and Chinese’ have hovered around 40%. Those who identify as only Chinese have dropped from 25% to less than 4%.”


The contentious issues surrounding dominion and identity aside, Times staff writer Christopher Reynolds found much to enjoy on a trip in late 2017. “Fortunately for most travelers, you don’t need a political science degree to enjoy the scene around you,” he said in his February 2018 article detailing it as a destination.

You can begin your exploration with a fare that will get you there economically.

Fare: From LAX, $704 round trip to Taipei, Taiwan, on Eva Air

Restrictions: Subject to availability; valid for travel Aug. 1-Nov. 30. You must buy your ticket by April 30.

Info: Eva Air, (800) 695-1188

Source: Airfarewatchdog

