
On a return to the U.S., Flight 1 carried this serviceman home at last

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Re Catharine Hamm’s column on flight numbers (“Flight Numbers Are in a Fix,” On the Spot, Jan. 14):

In 1970 I was in the Army, stationed in what was then called West Berlin.

My service ended in August, and I flew from Berlin to Frankfurt on a Pan Am local flight, then from Frankfurt to JFK on the magnificent Pan Am Flight 1, the daily westbound round-the-world flight.

A fitting way, I thought, to return home after three years.

Bob Haut

Topanga Canyon

For peace of mind, document it

The letter from Amy Cavan of Los Angeles in the Jan. 14 Travel section (“Save That Paper”) hit the mark about keeping paper copies of boarding passes, but I go a bit farther.


I keep a copy of the flights (with the record locator), boarding pass (proof that I flew all segments), hotel and car reservations with booking numbers and dates stayed or car used, and copies of the credit card receipt used to pay for each for 18 months.

Several times these have been invaluable because computer systems are not foolproof. Also, as mergers have taken place, I have found errors in my loyalty accounts and even billing.

This has saved my bacon on several occasions. I staple all together and mark on the front a date 18 months ahead to remind myself to shred these at that time.


Another thing I have done faithfully: I take pictures of the rental car before leaving the rental facility. After a nasty experience with an airport drop-off some years ago in Australia, this practice helps if there are questions later. These are time- and date-stamped.

Taking pictures (that can later be deleted) of damage to furniture or fixtures in a hotel room can also give you peace of mind.

Indeed, one bad experience can make you wary of what can happen.

Paul Brown

Santa Ana


