
Travel company doubles the number of trips it leads to Myanmar

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Los Angeles Times Daily Travel & Deal blogger

Pro-democracy activist Aung Sun Suu Kyi’s political party made history Sunday by winning seats in Myanmar’s parliament. The election results prompted adventure travel company Intrepid Travel to double the number of tours it leads to the country in anticipation of a tourism boom.

Many of the company’s Best of Burma tours had sold out, even some slated for next year. As a result, the company added 36 more trips.

The tour circles the perimeter of the Asian nation and stops in the holy city of Yangon before heading on to Bagan and a riverboat cruise on the Ayayarwaddy River. From there, it’s on to Mandalay, the alpine village Pindaya and a guided tour of caves with 8,000 images of Buddha inside. Inle Lake is the last stop before returning to Yangon.


Date: Intrepid offers this tour through 2013, but prices cited here apply to trips departing on selected dates from June through August.

Price: $2,550 per person, double occupancy. It includes hotel and guest house stays, riverboat cruise, daily breakfasts and a few other meals, and internal flights. International airfare is extra.

Contact: Intrepid Travel, (800) 970-7299

