
He’s traveling. Are you?

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A survey of 10 major U.S. cities has found that L.A. residents are less likely to travel this holiday season than residents of other metro areas. The reason? LAX?

No, it’s just that their pockets and purses aren’t deep enough right now.

The survey, by Harris Interactive for Inspirato, polled 2,500 adults in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Dallas-Fort Worth, Houston, Los Angeles, New York City, Philadelphia, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., and examined a variety of travel habits during the holiday season, beginning around Thanksgiving and ending right after the new year.

The survey found that holiday travel is most popular this year among residents in San Francisco (59%), Washington, D.C. (59%), and Atlanta (57%), while residents in Boston (41%), Los Angeles (45%) and Philadelphia (45%) are least likely to travel.


Twenty-two percent of L.A. residents say their budget completely dictates their holiday season travel plans -- the highest percentage among all cities polled.

L.A. residents who do plan to travel this holiday season expect to spend $1,175 on average. Most L.A. holiday travelers say they are spending about the same as last year (51%) while 27% are spending less, and 22% are spending more than last year.

Of L.A. residents hitting the road this holiday season, 67% point to spending time with family as a reason for their travel. Twenty-six percent say they will travel “to get away from everyday life.”


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