
Greyhound takes new Wi-Fi entertainment system BLUE for a road test

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Greyhound might be taking a page from Virgin America’s playbook.

The national bus company is testing a new Wi-Fi entertainment system that passengers may use with laptops, tablets or smartphones to watch movies and TV shows, play online games or just surf the Web.

Greyhound’s new service is called BLUE, or Bus Line Universal Entertainment. It’s the same system crafted by Lufthansa Systems that Virgin America rolled out last year under the name Red, which utilizes seat-back screens as well as personal devices.

With BLUE, passengers can access 25 movies, 15 hours of TV shows, 100 music albums and five games. So far it’s being tested for six months on the company’s premium Greyhound Express service between Dallas and Houston. It may be expanded into other markets later this year, the company said in a statement Monday.


BLUE is also available on BoltBus, which is operated by a company affiliated with Greyhound, in the Pacific Northwest.

During the pilot program, there’s no charge for the service but Greyhound is looking at a pricing structure for the future, a representative said.

There’s one thing you can’t do with BLUE that you can do with Red: message passengers in other seats or buy them a drink -- at least not yet.

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