7 ways to make the most of your outdoor budget (and where to get gear for free)

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It’s a common refrain I grumble to my husband: Why is quality outdoor gear so expensive? His response: Stop complaining and find a solution.
He’s right. We’re REI Co-op members — a $30 lifetime membership you pay for only once (and one that keeps giving, with regular sales and coupons mailed to us). I firmly support the company’s mission of outdoor conservation, and I get excited every time there’s a sale. During the most recent, I took advantage of the 20% off coupon (typically members are offered four 20% off coupons a year) to snag a teal Outdoor Afro + REI Co-op fleece I’d been lusting after and now wear every day. I’m a big fan of the quality. I got my Co-op Cycles mountain bike there too.

But sometimes I get serious sticker shock just checking out a pair of climbing shoes or binoculars, a sleeping bag or a tent — it’s why we mostly shop the sales. Everything seems to cost $100 and up. Even with L.A.’s minimum wage going up to $16.78 per hour in July, that’s at least six hours of work for a pair of binoculars.
As someone who grew up without fancy stuff, I always notice how the parking lot of the REI nearest to us is full of higher-end Subarus, Jeeps and Mercedes-Benzes. Spending time outdoors already requires time privilege; the fact that high-quality outdoor gear can be so expensive seems like an additional tax on lower-income folks who want to participate.
It’s true you can get stuff for much cheaper through online outdoor distributors or at spots like the Columbia Factory Store. You don’t have to go designer when it comes to anything outdoors. My parents used the same ’80s Coleman cooler for fishing and camping for decades, and I frequently pick up outdoor gear at thrift shops (my ski jacket is a thrifted $5 Columbia jacket with a torn pocket I proudly repaired). I have friends who climb in cheap jeans, hike in old sweatpants and ski wearing ratty gloves.

But getting a really great tent, or a top-of-the-line rain jacket with a protective hood and pit zips for long, sweaty hikes, can run you in the hundreds. I learned I needed better gear when I took my mom’s (supposedly) water-resistant rain jacket from the ’90s on a seven-hour kayaking trip to British Columbia’s Discovery Islands. After kayaking in the rain for several hours, I was soaked to the bone and freezing cold, wishing I’d splurged on a better jacket.
Not only that, I’ve realized I do want to look good and feel comfortable while running, hiking and camping. My most flattering Oya yoga pants (which have an NSFW name) and my super-supportive Janji sports bra — both of which I want to wear every day — aren’t $20, but they’re quality-made, and their cost per wear makes them well worth the initial outlay. In L.A., athleisure and hiking gear are everyday wear, and sometimes even workwear, so it’s extra important to have some reliable pieces that make you feel good. That craving for a hike could strike at any time, after all.
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Here are a few tips for saving cash on outdoor gear.
1. Borrow gear for free. There are so many ways to borrow gear without spending a cent, including checking out a donated REI pack (it contains binoculars, California tree and wildflower guides, California wildlife guides, a hand lens, a compass and more) at your local library, or reaching out to lending libraries and organizations that help low-income or first-time campers. Ask to borrow gear from your friends and neighbors on Instagram and Nextdoor; seek out and join Facebook groups like Buy Nothing, which allow neighbors to give their used goods to someone else who might want them; borrow car and bike repair tools from the L.A. County Library Tool Lending Library. And climbers of color can reach out to Lagartijas Climbing Crú to borrow crash pads and other gear.
2. Keep it in good condition. A lot of us are pretty hard on our outdoor stuff, because we think of it as tough. Only in the last few years have I attained the Zen-like patience to unpack my boots, tent, sleeping bag and backpack the day after I get home and clean them with a special cleaner like Nikwax. I’ll never be the Marie Kondo of camping gear, but I do try to get the major chunks of dirt, mildew stains and moisture off my gear before it goes back in storage. Cleaning the mud and moisture off means it lasts longer, and it’s nicer to unpack on your next camping trip too.
3. DIY your repairs — or get some help. Did you know about Repair Cafe? If you’ve tried to DIY from YouTube videos and your tent just isn’t zipping, bring it to Repair Cafe in Pasadena, Santa Monica or Long Beach. The wizards there will try to help you restore (almost) anything, from a faulty zipper to a flapping hiking boot sole. Another “fix”: If you can re-heel, re-waterproof or insect-proof clothes you already own, do that instead of buying new ones. I just re-waterproofed my old leather boots so I can wear them for any more rainy spells we have. They’ve held up for a decade!

4. Support companies you believe in that make quality gear. I try to support charitable companies that make long-lasting gear, like Janji, which gives back 2% of every purchase to clean-water projects. Well-made clothing and shoes, like Hoka trail runners with Vibram soles, are going to last a lot longer, meaning you spend less per use.
5. Read return and repair policies. There’s a reason so many people love Patagonia. The brand makes some of the best gear I own, and it’s (mostly) fixable by the company under the Ironclad Guarantee. Before you buy, know what you can return and repair, and for how long.
6. Shop sales and shop outside the box. Browse Patagonia’s Worn Wear site, its resale shop online where prices are drastically lower than MSRP. You can also visit thrift shops, kids’ resale shops, online outdoor outfitters and Army Navy surplus stores (I list a few at the bottom of this past edition of The Wild) for better deals. Sell your old stuff on Geartrade or Facebook Marketplace so you can buy new gear, and don’t forget about cross-checking prices at other sporting goods shops, like Dick’s Sporting Goods and Big 5.
7. Consider a credit card with rewards. This could be the REI credit card, or just something that lets you accrue points to shop outdoor outfitters.
3 things to do

1. Visit Joshua Tree for free. National Park Week starts on April 22 and ends on April 30, which means a nine-day fest of events at national parks across the country. On April 22, you’ll get free admission to national parks, including Joshua Tree. Though you can expect the park to be crowded that day, it’s a great chance to meet friends or bring a group that couldn’t normally pay the fee. The NPS is also inviting you to share a #MyParkStory on social media; tag them in your recollections of how national parks have changed your life.

2. Get herbaceous and stretch your limbs in the woods. If you’re not following Herb Club L.A., this is your new crew for foraging and tincture-making. On Saturday at noon, they’ll gather in Altadena for an hourlong beginner’s yoga class guided by Pauline from Healing Habits, followed by an herb walk led by Andrea Jimenez, founder of the club. Tickets are $25 and can be refunded up to the day of the event. Wear comfy clothes appropriate for yoga and hiking, and bring a mat, something to carry your mat with for the walking portion, a field notepad to take notes, a pen, water and a light snack.

3. Join a guided hike to Deukmejian Wilderness Park. This 709-acre northern Glendale park feels wild but is convenient to get to, and many Angeleno hikers I’ve talked to have never visited. On Saturday, change that by making the 20-minute jaunt from our city center to catch the view of the Crescenta Valley and wander among the big-cone spruces and chaparral and sage scrub. Bring the whole family for an interpretive hike, nature crafting, nature-themed games and a tour of the Stone Barn Nature Center. The city of Glendale will provide water, snacks and bus transportation from Pacific Community Center, leaving at 8:30 a.m. and returning at 12:30 p.m. If you’d rather drive to Deukmejian yourself, arrive by 8:45 a.m. for the 9 a.m. program, which ends at noon. Wear sturdy shoes, long pants, a hat and sun protection. One adult for every three children 17 and under is required. The event is free. RSVP here, or call (818) 937-7428 for more info.
The must-read

If you’re new to bird-watching, it can feel a bit like attending a new church. Sure, everyone is friendly, but the lexicon can feel nearly indecipherable. Dipped out on a mega-find because you were gripped off by a twitcher who thinks you’re an obvious dude? Yeah, me too (I think).
The level of dedication to birds can also feel intimidating. On a trip to Costa Rica’s Monteverde Cloud Forest, I wondered why a group of Japanese bird-watchers sat in the pub every day, and found they had already spotted the resplendent quetzal they’d come to see on their first day. They were done, so it was bottoms up all day long. I was confused — didn’t they want to see sloths and coatis and howler monkeys, oh my? (Apparently not.)
It’s springtime and baby birds are fledging, which is an adorable and amazing sight to see, so head to Griffith Park to see them hopping on the branch and attempting their first flights, and take a guided walk with Griffith Park urban ecologist Courtney McCammon. If you’re a new birder like me, this Vox guide is great for getting started. Allie Volpe writes about what equipment to consider, when and where to go, what apps to check out and how to be respectful of other birders. Volpe even details what to do if you’re feeling frustrated during the process, which can require patience and sometimes involves not sighting a single bird. But it’s all worth it: Even an LBJ, or “little brown job” — any small, brown bird that’s not otherwise identified — can inspire joy with its birdsong.
Happy adventuring,

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Spring is here, and we’re all reveling in the good weather and blooming flowers, but my thoughts are already on to what’s next. If you’re looking to keep kids busy this summer or hoping for a fun volunteer opportunity yourself, I’ve been noticing a lot of calls. From volunteering at the America’s Great Outdoors booth at the Los Angeles County Fair to keeping trails serviceable in the Angeles National Forest, leading environmental work at Do Something or working as junior lake lifeguards, there are tons of opportunities for all ages. As my little one gets older, I’m hoping to get him interested in becoming a Junior Ranger so he, too, can help preserve our wild lands.
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