
Soul-saving on Venice Beach

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Joann Daughtry, founder of Disciples on the Move, calls it a soul-saving event to draw people to God. The offer was free bus service from skid row to Venice Beach, where participants could chose to be baptized in the Pacific Ocean or listen to choirs and speakers along the boardwalk. Dozens of people took the opportunity and were baptized during the Disciples on the Move ministry’s 20th annual Venice Beach Crusade.

Bishop Willie Pickens, left, and Bishop John Moore prepare to baptize Ruby Reed during the Disciples on the Move ministry’s 20th annual Venice Beach Crusade.

Renee Wright is filled with emotion after being baptized by Bishop John Moore, left, on Venice Beach.

Bishop John Moore, left, and Bishop Willie Pickens baptize Evelyn Ramirez.

Bishop John Moore, left, and Bishop Willie Pickens, wearing baptismal gowns, walk past a surfer heading toward an area of surf where the pair was baptizing participants.

Shantey Adams holds her arms up in prayer while a choir sings.
