
‘Unicorn’ rescued puppy doesn’t notice ‘tail’ growth on head

"Narwhal," the unicorn puppy
Mac’s Mission animal rescue founder Rochelle Steffen holds a 10-week-old golden retriever puppy dubbed Narwhal with a small tail growing between his eyes Wednesday in Jackson, Mo.
(Associated Press)

A rescued puppy is attracting a lot of attention because of his resemblance to a unicorn.

The nearly 10-week-old puppy, named Narwhal, has a tail-like appendage growing from his forehead.

Narwhal was rescued over the weekend and sent to Mac’s Mission in Jackson, Mo., which specializes in fostering animals with special needs.

Mac’s Mission founder Rochelle Steffen says Narwhal doesn’t notice the extra tail and is otherwise a happy, healthy puppy. Although it looks like a tail, Narwhal cannot wag it.


Steffen says the rescue group has been flooded with requests from people wanting to adopt Narwhal since his picture hit social media. But he’ll remain at Mac’s Mission so his caretakers can be sure the tail doesn’t grow out of proportion to his face and cause him problems.
