
A man and his dog are rescued after being lost at sea for three months

VIDEO | 02:14
Video released of lost Australian sailor rescue

The man and his dog left La Paz, Mexico, on his catamaran about three months ago for French Polynesia.

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An Australian man and his dog were rescued after being lost in the Pacific Ocean for months, according to Australian media reports.

Tim Shaddock, 51, of Sydney and his dog Bella left La Paz, Mexico, on his catamaran about three months ago, Sydney’s 9News Channel reported Sunday. The pair were about a month into their trip bound for French Polynesia when they encountered a storm that wiped out the boat’s communication capabilities.

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They floated in the vast waters of the Pacific until a tuna trawler equipped with a helicopter that was out searching for tuna spotted Shaddock’s boat drifting in the ocean, 9News reported.


It was not immediately clear where in the Pacific Ocean they were found.

Video from the rescue that was shared with 9News showed Shaddock bearded, thin and wearing a hat and Bella behind him.

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Aboard the trawler, Shaddock told his rescuers he’d “been through a very difficult ordeal at sea.”

“I’m just needing rest and good food because I’ve been alone at sea a long time,” he said. “Otherwise I’m in very good health.”


According to Haddock, the pair survived by drinking rainwater and eating freshly caught raw fish. Haddock managed to avoid getting serious sunburn by “keeping shelter” aboard the catamaran, 9News reported.

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A Mexican doctor who is treating Haddock told 9News that the sailor is “stable and very well,” and that he has “completely normal vital signs.” The news outlet also reported that Haddock was eating small meals.

As of Sunday, Haddock and Bella were traveling with the crew on the trawler back to land.
