
Travel letters

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Susan Denley’s “Take a Sip and a Stroll” [Weekend Escape, March 17] refers to the several “hotels” along Moonstone Beach in Cambria. My wife and I go up to Cambria every year or two, and I think “motel” is a more accurate term for the lodgings along Moonstone Beach (with the exception of El Colibri, which describes itself as a boutique hotel and spa). As I understand the term, a place where the rooms are arranged around a parking area and one normally parks more or less in front of one’s room is a motel, not a hotel, and this is the situation with all of the establishments along Moonstone.

Ed Schoch


My daughter and I frequently visit Cambria for its quaint, small-town atmosphere and coastal attractions. It was a surprise on one of our first visits when we went to pick up some treats at the local grocery store and found it closed at 5 p.m. on a Sunday. Just like a small town! Plan ahead.

Carol Terry


Scuba training


With all due respect to John Rosati, a former Italian navy frogman, I would take issue with the requirements he poses for successful recreational scuba diving [“A Fascinating Underwater Trip,” Letters, March 17]. I have been diving all over the world for 45 years and have extensive U.S. Navy and civilian involvement with underwater medicine. The most important requirement is for the individual to be comfortable in open water. It certainly doesn’t hurt to be in good health, reasonably fit and a strong swimmer. The key to success is proper certification by a recognized organization such as PADI, good judgment and reasonable goals. Hard training is not mandatory. The underwater world is truly fascinating and can be available to most people with proper preparation and supervision.

Stephen Cooper, MD

Hidden Hills

Rhino horns

Regarding “Baby Boom in Kenya” [Your Scene, March 17]: Cheers to the rhinos. Both mother and newborn still have their horns intact and thus have avoided the relentless reach of preying poachers. Let’s hope it lasts.


David Tulanian

Los Angeles

Flying in the ‘50s

Back in the ‘50s, I traveled extensively in the Far East and I still have as a souvenir a hand-held fan given out on Japan Airlines on a flight from Singapore. It was a godsend on stopovers when there was no air conditioning.

This was a great time to fly, especially first class for all the “goodies,” such as the KLM liqueurs handed out in miniature Dutch houses.


I am 83 now but still cherish my memories of flying on the Super-G Constellation and the Comet. Business travel was a pleasure, even if it took the better part of two days to get from London to Jakarta.

David A.W. Young

Newport Beach

Another pizza tip

On March 17, a reader suggested you inquire at a pizza parlor for directions [“The Pizza Guy Knows the Way,” Your Tips]. Better yet, if the address is really off the beaten path and difficult, order a pizza to be delivered and follow the driver to your destination. Your host will also appreciate your arrival.

Bob Duncan

