
Not again! Jeanne aims at Florida

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Sentinel Staff Writers

UPDATE FROM THE ASSOCIATED PRESS: Hurricane Jeanne trekked westward today on a path that could lead to Florida’s east coast by Sunday, setting off another round of storm preparations in a state still reeling from three earlier strikes.

At 8 a.m., Jeanne was centered about 510 miles east of Miami, moving west at 8 mph, the hurricane center in Miami said. The storm had top sustained wind of 100 mph and could strengthen as it reaches warmer water closer to Florida’s coast. Hurricane force wind extended 45 miles from the center, and tropical storm wind extended 140 miles.

A hurricane watch was issued early Friday for most of the state’s eastern coast, from Florida City to St. Augustine. A watch means hurricane conditions with wind of at least 74 mph are possible within 36 hours.


An eventual turn to the northwest was predicted, but it was unclear if that would happen before Jeanne reached Florida. Computer models showed possible landfall anywhere from South Florida to Cape Canaveral.

MIAMI -- After ambling in the Atlantic for days, Hurricane Jeanne began a trek toward Florida’s east-central coast Thursday, increasing the history-making odds that the Sunshine State will suffer its fourth strike by a hurricane this year.

“We’ve been through Charley and Frances and Ivan, and now we’re going to have to deal with Jeanne,” Max Mayfield, director of the National Hurricane Center, said Thursday night. “It’s headed toward Florida. There’s nothing to suggest otherwise.”

In Tallahassee, state meteorologist Ben Nelson was anguished by the prospect.

“Considering what we’ve already been through this year, it couldn’t get much worse,” Nelson said. “Four landfalls in six weeks is unheard of. In Florida, we’ve never had four in one season.”


Only Texas, researchers said, has been affected by four hurricanes in a season -- back in 1886.

In Central Florida, where many residents are still recovering from back-to-back hits by Charley and Frances, few people cared to take part in this slice of history.

“I’m getting my [anti-anxiety drug] Xanax refilled,” said Tamra Brady, 43, a Mims resident who lost trees, power and telephone service during hurricanes Charley and Frances. “It’s getting to be like, ‘Come on, pick on somebody else!’ ”


Late Thursday, Jeanne was moving west toward the Bahamas, with maximum sustained winds of 105 mph, making it a strong Category 2 hurricane. Forecasters said there was a good chance Jeanne would strengthen to a Category 3 before landfall, making it a major hurricane, with winds of at least 111 mph.

The official forecast track put the storm ashore Sunday near Daytona Beach, well north of where Frances struck Sept. 5, then curving offshore and toward the Carolinas. But forecasters cautioned against concentrating on the official track, noting that almost the entire state was in Jeanne’s potential strike zone.

There’s also a possibility that a high-pressure system keeping Jeanne on a westerly track could weaken more in Florida’s favor, turning the storm further northward and possibly keeping it just off the east coast. But, in a refrain all too familiar to Floridians, forecasters said the timing of the turn would be critical.

Whatever the timing, forecasters said that, given its size, Jeanne was on a course to bedevil Florida no matter what. With hurricane-force winds extending 45 miles from the center and tropical-storm-force winds 140 miles, Jeanne was destined to bring the state heavy rains, high winds and pounding surf for the fourth time since Aug. 13, when Charley ushered in Florida’s mean season in Charlotte County.

“If the ridge moves out quicker, it could recurve and maybe just scoot close to the East Coast,” said Stacy Stewart, a forecaster at the hurricane center. “But there’s no getting around it: It’s going to affect Florida one way or the other.”

The wait-and-worry pattern put much of Central Florida in a state of guarded readiness Thursday.


County officials across the region made plans to reactivate their emergency-operations centers and reopen shelters if need be. In Brevard County, Port Canaveral officials ordered all small vessels to evacuate beginning at 7 a.m. today. At Patrick Air Force Base, response teams were placed on standby as county officials discussed evacuating barrier islands, mobile-home parks and flood-prone areas.

“There is a very strong possibility of evacuations starting Friday afternoon or early Saturday,” said Joan Heller, spokeswoman for Brevard’s emergency-operations center. “We are urging residents to take the necessary precautions.”

At the Home Depot in Oviedo, Jeanette DeLong didn’t need much urging. Hoping to beat the expected rush today, the arts-and-crafts consultant waited in a short line to buy six sheets of plywood -- less than 24 hours after returning the same number bought but never used for Ivan, which struck the Panhandle on Sept. 16.

This time, she said, the plywood will be cut and screwed in place.

“I figure if I didn’t come out today [Thursday], they’d be gone,” DeLong said. “I’m not waiting around for another Ivan to hit this time.”

In Brevard County, Dennis Dittmeier, 58, who now owns two houses damaged by hurricanes -- Charley tore off the roof of his Orlando home, and Frances ransacked his Cocoa Beach abode -- was resigned to evacuating a third time, if ordered. He just hoped his roof tarps would hold up for Jeanne.

“This is the worst I’ve ever seen,” Dittmeier said. “I don’t plan to fix anything until after hurricane season. There’s no point. These storms just keep coming and coming.”


On Daytona Beach, Michael Shiles, 41, spent the day dismantling the remains of his front porch, which was ripped apart by Frances, and trying to muster the energy to reinstall his plywood shutters. Like many of his neighbors, Shiles kept them on his windows for more than a week after Frances departed, but removed them three days ago.

“We were just tired of the darkness, but I guess the next thing for me to do is to put them back on after I’m done cleaning this up,” he said. “It’s just time to be cautious.”

In Homestead, pummeled by Hurricane Andrew 12 years ago, a similar decision may have cost the lives of four children and one adult in a house fire early Thursday.

Firefighters said burglar bars and plywood storm shutters prevented them from making a quick entry into the house. All five occupants apparently died of smoke inhalation, because the fire never breached the bedrooms where they slept.

Still, Mayfield said, now is not the time to take down storm shutters. As he spoke, Jeanne continued on its almost inevitable collision with Florida. If it continues, it will be only the second time in more than a century that four hurricanes have hammered the same state.

In 1886, four hurricanes pummeled Texas, but only two actually made landfall in the Lone Star State. The others came ashore just over the border, in Mexico and Louisiana. But as Pensacola well knows, you don’t need a direct eye-wall hit to feel the brunt of a hurricane’s fury.


Ivan came ashore in Alabama, west of Pensacola, but the western Panhandle suffered worse. On Thursday, after looping around the Eastern Seaboard, re-entering the Gulf of Mexico and reforming as a tropical storm, Ivan made a sloppy landfall near Cameron, La. To the west, there were floods in Galveston, Texas.

Ludmilla Lelis and Pedro Ruz Gutierrez of the Sentinel staff contributed to this report. Maya Bell can be reached at or 305-810-5003. Laurin Sellers can be reached at or 321-795-3251.
